Mar 24, 2007

I want to go Home

I want to go Home

1. Honestly, I want to go Home
From a country which is not my own
Though having a career, life much better
I won't be happy to settle forever.

2. 'Burma', 'Myanmar; we proudly call
Motherland which means so much to us all
'Seeking brighter future' makes us leave
Sad in our hearts - heavy and heave.

3. Never a day went by without thinking
Pray that 'She' won't go on sinking
A beautiful land rich in resources
Once endowed with intellect forces.

4. Thinking of a 'Reunion' - we all shall meet
Smiling, laughing, hugging we'll greet
Though now spread all over the globe
'Rendezvous Homeland' - do let us HOPE.


collage source

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